We believe that a fundamental part of providing high quality care is the knowledge, skills and experience of the staff. That is why Homecare For You has it’s own, dedicated in house Training Manager and facilities.
All of our staff undertake a comprehensive induction programme, in line with the new Common Induction Standards, when they start with us. This induction covers the following topics:
Confidentiality/Data Protection Act; Conflict Management; CoSHH; Dementia; Dignity Challenge; Effective Communication; Effective Supervision and Appraisal; Equality and Diversity; Fire Safety; First aid; Food safety and Nutrition; Health and Safety; Infection Control; Medication; Moving and Handling; Person Centred Planning Support/Enablement; Professional Boundaries; Risk Assessment; Reporting Procedures/Whistle Blowing; Safeguarding; Stress Management.
Running alongside the induction is our mandatory training programme, this covers some topics from the induction in much more detail and includes:
Fire Safety; First aid; Food safety and Nutrition; Health and Safety; Infection Control; Medication; Moving and Handling; Safeguarding; Equality and Diversity
We are also able to deliver additional training to our staff depending on their job role and specific service user needs, this training includes:
Care Planning and Recording; Challenging Behaviour; Dementia; Dignity Challenge; End of life care; Supervision and appraisal skills; Risk assessment training (General); Risk assessment training (Moving and handling); Care Management of Diabetes; Cultural Diversity training.